The Deal
For every new customer you refer, you will receive a $5 credit towards the purchase of a gift card. A new customer is considered anyone who uses the link provided below to register on Gift Card Mall and makes a purchase. Five customers will earn you $25!
Key Terms
- You need to be logged in to see your own unique referral link
- End date unknown
Tips & Ideas
It is interesting that while Blackhawk retired the use of their GiftCardMall.com website in favor of giftcards.com, they still refer to their co-branded portals such as Kroger’s as “Gift Card Mall”.
Although their offer text ends with an asterisk, they must have forgotten to publish more detailed terms. It is pretty clear though that by “Gift Card Mall” they mean specifically Kroger’s version – and not Price Chopper’s, for example. If you do come across a similar offer on a different co-branded portal, please let us know in the comments.